8 ways to improve your sleep

We all know that obtaining a good nights sleep is important for both our physical and mental health. However, many of us have a bad relationship with sleep - we toss & turn, we count endless amounts of sheep, we wake often during the night, etc. 

Here are a few small steps that you can take to help improve your sleep hygiene and ultimately get a better nights sleep. I recommend starting with 1-2 of the following tips.


Establish a consistent sleep schedule

When you rise and go to bed at the same time every day, you are regulating your circadian rhythm. Your circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle that is part of the body’s internal clock. By keeping a regular sleep-wake schedule, you will feel more energized and optimize the quality of your sleep.


Avoid demanding tasks one hour before bed

Tasks that require a lot of your attention should be avoided right before bed, as they will cause you to have difficulty “turning your mind off”. In addition, try to avoid blue light exposure right before bed, as it will interfere with your circadian rhythm and thus have a negative impact on your sleep quality.


Optimize your bedroom environment

By lowering the temperature of your room, reducing external light and removing clutter, you are creating a space conducive to sleep. Your bedroom should be a place that is relaxing and calming and reserved for sleep and sex only.


Take a short, daytime nap

If you feel tired during the day, listen to your body and take a nap. Napping is ok. However, long naps and naps late in the day will interfere with your nighttime sleep, so it is best to take a short nap earlier in the day.


Keep a sleep journal

By keeping a sleep journal you can track and identify any poor sleep habits and patterns and then make adjustments accordingly.


Establish a pre-sleep routine

A pre-sleep routine will help you to relax and clear your mind before bed. You can try to implement some relaxation techniques into your routine, such as yoga, meditation, a body scan exercise or deep breathing. Find what works best for you.


Exercise daily

Exercise has been proven to be one of the best ways to improve both sleep duration and quality. It is recommended to perform 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, but any exercise is better than none. However, while exercise is beneficial for sleep, it may cause additional sleep problems if performed right before bed.


Increase your exposure to natural sunlight

Natural light exposure during the day will help to regulate your circadian rhythm and your energy. By regulating your circadian rhythm, you will improve your sleep quality and duration.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to change everything at once to improve your sleep - small changes can and will make a big difference. 


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